Sunday, May 1, 2016

003 Heather Martinez | NLSGRVT Podcast

Welcome to the NL Sketchnoting, Graphic Recording, and Visual Thinking podcast where we celebrate the lives and work of visual thinkers and allow them to showcase things they are enthusiastic about!

Today, I'm talking to Heather Martinez. Heather is an artist who after two decades of printmaking and photography, discovered the joy of creating art with others outside the studio, on the wall. She uses visuals to help people collaborate, support their goals and facilitate change. Heather is an internationally renowned Graphic Recorder/Facilitator and Prezi/Videoscribe producer whose work is so beautiful, I'm a bit giddy to be talking to her.

Want to learn more about Heather? Check out her online presence:

The International Forum Of Visual Practitioners:

Sparkol Videoscribe (affiliate link):


Check out this episode of the NLSGRVT Podcast!